Angles of perspective and structural forms fascinate me. My work explores how 3D models can be represented in a 2D format that demonstrates great depth and volume. My preferred medium is fibre in the form of stitched textiles that hang on the wall; however, there is often an element of mixed media applied to the surface or standing as an installation accompanying the 2D work. 


All things mathematical inspire me.  I love to solve puzzles especially those with 3D form; for example, making origami modulars. I have been making origami for more than 30 years, the more complex the structure the more thrilling it is to assemble. It is exciting for me to use this complex form in my art making.


The work requires much measuring, calculating and arranging of colour, so the making of my art is also a form of puzzle solving.  I use computer software in conjunction with hand drafting to plan the work.  The final pieces are constructed primarily in textiles, which are surface painted; and accompanied often with a mixed media addition of paint, paper, plastic, metal, clay, and/or wood.

Numbers, measuring, arithmetic, and formulas are the foundational tools of my multi media art. Right out of high school I worked as a draftsperson in an architectural engineering firm before pursuing my BEd and MEd in Studio Art Practices. Retired from my 30-year teaching career I now pursue the arts fulltime.  I am fascinated by angles of perspective and structural 3D form that are represented in a two-dimensional format.  The fusion of my mathematical and creative ideas have been showcased in my work from childhood through to the present. My studio is located in Chilliwack, British Columbia; I exhibit my work locally in the province of British Columbia, across Canada and in the USA. 


Artist Statement